The LORD forgives

Forgiveness is from the LORD alone, and given when the soul yields to Him by faith.


The LORD forgives the sincere man that comes before
With contrite, humbled heart and broken, weeping soul,
Who yearns that he with leprous sins would be made clean,
Who cries, forlorn, lost and wand’ring from God’s fold.
The LORD restores that soul, that comes before His throne,
Though oft that sheep doth wander far away from Him.
A touch; “I will; Be thou clean”: what gentle words!
The soul now cleansed returns in faith and joy to Him.

Yet He will not forgive some souls who come to Him,
Who yearn to wander still in their own wicked ways,
Who will not yield to Him, the King who rules o’er all,
Who put a show of humble acts to gain men’s praise.
The LORD condemns that soul, that comes before His throne,
Though he may come appearing in a mournful state
A word, “Depart! I knew thee not”: what wrath-filled words!
The soul is doomed to fall into the fiery lake.

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